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Support our Local Non-Profit Organizations this Holiday Season!

Published: 12/01/2016

This season, support Brightside for Families and Children, the Holyoke Visiting Nurse Association, Hospice Life Care and the Salvation Army.  All of these non-profit agencies will be at Holyoke Mall through Christmas Eve.


Brightside Angels’ Paper Ornaments

Now in its 32nd year, the Brightside Angel Campaign has long been a local holiday tradition. Your donation allows Brightside to continue its mission as a healing and transforming presence in the lives of the children and families they serve.   This year, Brightside served more than 650 families and children with in-home counseling and family support.  And today, more are waiting. The 2016 Brightside Angels’ paper ornaments are available at Guest Services located on the Lowe Level near Sears.  For additional Angel products, please visit www.brightsideangels.com.


Holyoke VNA/Hospice Life Care Gift Wrap

Have your holiday shopping wrapped up and support a worthy cause at the same time.  VNA volunteers are located on the Upper Level near Target.  Gift wrap proceeds benefit the Visiting  Nurse Association of Holyoke.  You may also purchase an ornament for the tree in memory of a loved one to benefit Hospice Life Care.


Salvation Army Angel Tree

The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program provides new clothing and/or toys for children. The tree is decorated with numbered paper angel tags with the first name, age and gender of a child who will receive the gift.  Contributors remove one or more tags from the tree and purchase appropriate gifts for the child or children described on the tags. The toys are then delivered to the unit and later picked up by the parent to distribute to the child/children on Christmas Day.  The Angel Tree is located on the Upper Level near Sears.


Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign  

Volunteers from the Salvation Army are located at various entrances of the mall accepting donations during the holiday season.  All contributions will benefit the Salvation Army.